SmartTech Overdraft Software

Full Control of Your Overdraft Program

Fixed or Dynamic Limits, Collection Letters, Reporting and More!

SmartTech is a cutting-edge fintech solution designed to make overdraft management easier for banks and credit unions. Our cloud-based software is built to work in harmony with your existing systems and to give you the additional tools you need to run a successful overdraft program that is fully compliant.

Collection letters.
Easily Generate and Send Collection Letters

Follow SmartTech prompts to upload, verify, and process your data to generate daily collection letters in PDF format. You can email them to accountholders, print them from your computer, or send them for distribution. Letters are archived and processing history and overdraft reports are available for review on demand.

Limit analysis.
Full Control of Limits

SmartTech allows you to set limits for checking account types, using standard limits, dynamic limits, or a combination of both. SmartTech sends notifications to accountholders via email or letter. SmartTech can also analyze usage trends to assign personalized overdraft limits.

Cloud document storage.
Easily Access Documents

SmartTech’s Knowledge Base provides you with a centralized source for all of your program-related needs, including regulatory updates, best practices, accountholder marketing, and program guides and forms.

Payment schedule.
Calculate Payments to Pinnacle

When you upload your data and documentation, SmartTech automatically calculates your payment. You can also pay your invoice online through the SmartTech portal via ACH. The portal also gives you easy access to your payment history.

Desktop computer with SmartTech loaded on the screen.

Analyze Your ODP Data

You can quickly analyze your overdraft program performance with visualized data to understand trends or red flags that need your attention. SmartTech monitors overdraft/NSF income and provides detailed metrics on refunds, charge-offs, and recoveries, along with month-over-month and year-over-year data comparisons. It also tracks key program statistics, such as participation rates and opt-ins.

SmartTech Software Security

At Pinnacle, we understand that protecting your financial institution’s data is critical, so we developed SmartTech with a security-first approach. Safeguarding your financial institution’s data isn’t just important—it’s essential. Our commitment to protecting you is woven into everything we do.

Secure cloud architecture.
Secure Cloud Architecture

SmartTech is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) for security and compliance. All traffic is protected by the latest TLS/SSL encryption protocols, and a hardware firewall provides an additional layer of security.

SOC certification on security practices.
SOC Certification

The AICPA awarded Pinnacle a SOC 1® Type 2 Certification for strong security measures and a commitment to protecting accountholder data.

Multi-factor authentication.
Multi-Factor Authentication

Pinnacle adds an extra step to the SmartTech login process to ensure that only verified personnel can access the system, protecting it from unauthorized users and potential hackers.

Overdraft Protection Program Software for Now and the Future

We are committed to continuously enhancing SmartTech to provide you with the best possible experience and features. Since it launched in 2004, SmartTech has consistently evolved — and we’re committed to continued innovation to benefit our customers.