Frontline Sales Training
Empower Your Bank or Credit Union Employees with Sales Training
Our sales training courses help frontline employees build their confidence in providing proactive service resulting in deeper relationships with accountholders and increased bottom-line results.

Service to Sales Training
This course helps employees transform their sales mindset from passive to active. It begins with a 90-minute eLearning path followed by 6-7 engaging, live, remote conversational sessions, typically scheduled monthly, as well as a digital participant guide. The processes that participants learn and practice align with Pinnacle’s Mystery Shopping findings to target specific areas of improvement.

Service to Sales for Managers
This course develops managers’ coaching skills to transform their employees’ sales mindset from passive to active. It begins with a 90-minute eLearning path followed by 6-7 engaging, live, remote conversational sessions, typically scheduled monthly, as well as a digital participant guide. The processes that participants learn and practice align with Pinnacle’s Mystery Shopping findings to target specific opportunities for employee development.

Elevating the Service Experience
This course builds on the foundation provided by Service to Sales to guide the team in establishing an internal service culture and elevating each step of their processes to create a concierge-level experience. The course includes four 1-hour sessions held monthly or quarterly, and the recommended best practice is for the financial institution is to have an internal conversation and practice time immediately after each session.
The Benefits of Pinnacle’s Sales Training
Your frontline employees are the face of your community bank or credit union. The quality of service they provide directly impacts accountholder satisfaction and your ability to increase product sales. Pinnacle’s sales training courses equip your employees with the skills they need to make a positive impression and successfully connect accountholders with the services they need.
Topics Covered in Pinnacle’s Credit Union and Bank Sales Training

Frontline Sales Training at Bank of Clarke
Frontline employees are the face of your financial institution, so it’s worthwhile to take any steps that can better set these valuable team members up for success. At Bank of Clarke, Pinnacle went through several iterations of training, continuously improving on a custom program suited to accelerating improvement among Bank of Clarke’s team members. Learn more about what exactly these sessions entailed by clicking the button below.