Expert Guidance. Unmatched Results

Guiding Community Banks and Credit Unions for Over 25 Years

From Overdraft Management to Mystery Shopping, Sales Training, and Rewards Checking, Pinnacle Offers Unmatched Results

At Pinnacle Financial Strategies, our products and services are designed to help financial institutions gain a competitive edge, attract and retain accountholders, and improve non-interest income.


Regulatory Experts

Pinnacle stays informed of the latest regulations and makes sure your program aligns with current laws, alleviating compliance worries.


25+ Years

Experience matters, and Pinnacle has been an integral part of the overdraft conversation for a quarter of a century.

Bar graph with upward trend.


We’ve worked with every core on the market and understand how to get you the results you’re looking for from your programs.

Two arrows going opposite directions.

Overdraft Software

Our industry-leading expertise is supported by powerful data and analytics through our SmartTech software.

Overdraft Management System (OMS)

Overdraft Tools to Manage Your Entire Program

Get rid of regulatory and compliance worries while also building a well-informed frontline team and consumer base. Our OMS platform combines regulatory guidance, consulting, and software to help you better manage and protect your overdraft program.

Compliance, law, regulations, standards.
OMS Essentials

Equip your bank or credit union with the necessary tools for maintaining a compliant and effective overdraft program.

Men pointing to chart on presentation.
OMS Plus

Implement advanced tools to grow your overdraft program and evaluate program performance.

Laptop with SmartTech loaded on the screen.

Leverage the engine behind OMS with SmartTech. Our cloud-based software makes it easy to manage your program.

Accountholder withdrawing money via a teller.

Mystery Shopping

Gain confidence in how well accountholders’ actual banking experiences align with your expectations by utilizing our professional mystery shoppers. Our trained experts go through the entire banking process from start to finish, providing detailed insights into every interaction.

Virtual training.

Frontline Sales Training

A combination of interactive online sessions and engaging on-site training provide employees with skills for building rapport, identifying needs, and matching the right services to the right customer.

Mobile banking and desktop banking.

Rewards Checking

What Counts Checking is a customizable, ready-to-implement program that lets you offer cash-back rewards, high-interest rewards, or a combination of both when accountholders use their debit cards.

Upcoming Pinnacle Appearances

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